I know this probably seems strangely random, but I thought it had been too long since my last post and decided to go ahead and put this up here. The short version of the long story is I stalled on the banjo because I needed some good material for the fingerboard and I was waiting for the fret wire to arrive in the mail. Not wanting to sit idle I thought I would make a case for the first cigar box guitar. I've been playing it a LOT and thought it would be nice to have an easy way to transport it. Well, I got the case nearly done (I'll show you next post) but it needed some straps and handles. All the webbing I had for straps and handles was raw and needed to dyed. I've been working on these shoulder bags, which I was also going to dye, so I decided to finish the shoulder bags first and dye the webbing for both the shoulder bags and the guitar case at the same time. So, here's what's what with the shoulder bags.
I'm making five of them at the same time so I can dye them all in the same lot. The straps will be dyed to match. They're from a pattern I made myself based (fairly closely) on a WWII Britsh Mk VII gasmask bag. I have one that I completed a while back in the image to give a better idea of where it's going. I'll throw up another image of the completed bags, snaps, dyed and all, when I get there.
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